latest 14 messages by matt|home

+ [2017-05-04T21:19:11Z] matt|home how do i do that, and is that how it generally works?
+ [2017-05-04T21:18:59Z] matt|home when i did that however, all i 'uploaded' to github was the specific branch i was working on, and now i am trying to create a pull request to the other github account
+ [2017-05-04T21:18:17Z] matt|home thus far, what i have done was: created a clone of the remote repository onto my local computer, switched the remote to my github account, and pushed it to a newly-created repo in my account
+ [2017-05-04T21:17:45Z] matt|home hi. im having a little bit of trouble understanding the correct order in which im supposed to do things on github using git. so, long story short im supposed to create a pull request from my github account to another github account for a specific branch in a repo
+ [2016-11-05T04:18:11Z] matt|home thanks preaction
+ [2016-11-05T04:17:50Z] matt|home oh it's even written right there how fucking blind am i son of a bitch
+ [2016-11-05T04:17:40Z] matt|home ahah, nevermind
+ [2016-11-05T04:17:18Z] matt|home do i need to commit before doing that?
+ [2016-11-05T03:57:14Z] matt|home i thought it was some shit like git pull , but i can't find it
+ [2016-11-05T03:57:06Z] matt|home hello. really simple question, can't seem to find the answer in any docs. if i made changes to a file on a local repository , but have not committed/pushed it onto github's repo, how can i make the github repo copy overwrite or revert the local copy to what it was previously
+ [2016-10-16T04:45:08Z] matt|home so does anyone know how i can like.. generate a new public key or something or just make it so that my comp is authed by the online server thing? if not im either just gonna start over or delete everything..
+ [2016-10-16T04:37:59Z] matt|home what is the procedure here.. do i have to type in a password somewhere or search for a long-lost public key from 2 years ago ?
+ [2016-10-16T04:37:37Z] matt|home hi. i haven't used github in a while, and im ... pretty sure? this computer is the one i set it up with.. i can login to the website, but when i try pushing a commit i get something like publickey fatal error can't access remote blah blah